Making It – Pathway to the Majors Ep-25-3
What does it take to make the Big Leagues? If it were only this simple.…

The Effort of Elite Performance – Athlete Management & the NBA Ep 25-02
In Sport, balancing training, practice and rest and recovery has quickly become one of the…

Ultimate Mental Performance – 2025 Krush Kick Off Ep: 25-01
Look back to learn, look forward to plan. You MUST STAMP OUT worry and shift…

The Holy Grail(s) of Sport Performance Ep 18-12
Success in sport starts with one thing…Planning. Athlete Development and Player Performance is exactly like…

Valuing Talent in Sport Ep 18-11
Sport is a commodities market and the #1 commodity in sport is Talent! It's like…

Shut Down & Maximize Your Off-Season Ep: 18-10
One of the most important questions in sport today - What to do over your…

Culture Trumps Strategy Every Time Ep: 18-09
Get set as we work to crack the code on organizational and team performance and…

Attacking Performance: The Lifespan of the Athlete
Every athlete experiences doubt at some point. 🥹 Doubt about whether they are playing as…

The Best of the Best & The Toughest of All Time Ep 18-7
KRUSH Roundtable - A Look at Elite & Professional Sport. If you are working to…

From the Rink to the Boardroom: It’s Okay Not to be Okay E18-06
Join me while I take you on an incredible journey of perseverance, survival, teamwork and…

Creating Performance Environments: How Athletes are the Sum of Their Experiences E18-4
You are a product of your Environment. Your athletes & players are products of their…

Elite Culture = Elite Performance
How do you survive 400+ performances a year? 400 elite, exacting, sometime dangerous, mindboggling performances…

The Best of the Best: How do Great Athletes Happen?
Question, could we be witnessing one of the best athletes EVER? What is happening in…

Power Play: Hockey Talk With The Edmonton Oilers
Welcome to Season 18 of Krush Performance Radio. As the hockey season gets underway and…

Play Ball! Solving Injuries in Baseball Ep-24-09
Play Ball! The baseball season is upon us and as games kick off there is…

Spring Break – Are You Ready? Ep 24-08
Are you ready for the change? Are you prepared for new sports, the move from…

The Long Game: Athlete Development ep 24-07
Just how long does it take to become a Top Performer? There is an ebb…

Sleep Aids – The Dark Truth ep-24-06
“Over the Counter Sleep Aids are Useless for sleep…there is limited evidence that any of…

The Power of Player Context in Performance Programming E24-05
Context is defined as: “the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs.” I use the…

Questions From the Krusher’s E24-04
110 MILLION people were predicted to sit down and watch the Super Bowl LVIII. It’s…

The Recovery Game: Athlete Management E24-03
In sport there is a fine line between pushing the limits of performance and managing…

Perception E24-02
Our understanding of perception may be the next critical step in pushing human performance forward.…

2024 The Future Awaits E24-01
What is the number one challenge people face? It's when their goals and objectives, their…

All of All of Us – No One Does it Alone
Look Back to Learn, Look Forward to Plan and above all else know where you…

Successful vs Competitive People
Is there a difference between highly successful people and highly competitive people? When you look…

Coaching Change…WHY?????
Coach Belichick once said “Good Players can’t overcome bad coaching. It's impossible”. Great Quote and…

The Mafia & Sport – Looking Back to Learn
In a world where they say anything is possible...you have to leave no stone unturned…

The Science of Extraordinary Performance – Looking Back to Learn
In sport there is real hardcore science that is shining light on areas of human…

Unlocking Team Chemistry – Looking Back to Learn
We always say look back to learn – look forward to plan – and make…

Longevity In Sport
When it comes to athlete programming, we have three top priorities that guide our entire approach to…

Puck Drop & Late Arrivals
This is a fun episode; I don’t usually get to share stories of working with…

Creating Coachable Players – The Tyranny of Talent
How it Compels and Limits Athletic Achievement – AND Why We Should Ignore It. Talent,…

How Your Environment Can Protect you from Injury and Increase Your Chance of Going Pro
Environment is a big piece of the talent development puzzle, you have more control than…

Performance Cultures & What Can We Learn From The All Blacks
A few years back I was invited to lecture and teach coaches and work with…

Early vs Late Development & Turf vs Grass
This is a very misunderstood part of athlete development, in terms of athlete development and…

Breakthrough Sport Science – Perception & Vision
Perception may very well be one of the most exciting areas for pushing human performance…

Creating Coachable Players: Performance Programming & Our Top Priorities for Performance in Sport
Ask and You shall receive…well I asked you for your questions, your comments and your…

The Krush War on Sugar Returns w/The Science of Sweetness
Global Warning on Artificial Sweeteners, Caffeine & Human Performance Artificial sweeteners, also called sugar substitutes,…

Crunching Data – Athlete & Player Testing How much is Too Much?
Data, Data and More Data. Is your testing helping or hindering athlete development and player…

Money Can’t Buy You Love. Or Can it?
It's true, Money can’t buy love. But, can it buy you wins? In sport we…

Perception with Dr. Martin Mrazik
Perception is a monster topic that has profound implications in the world of human development…

The Krush Inbox: Perception, Coaching Strategies & A BIG Question
We always say that we are here to get you thinking about things you may…

Injuries Plaguing Sport: Understanding the Problem
At any given time in any sport – if you were to sit in on…

Creating Coachable Players with Dave Turgeon
An undefeated season at any level of sport is a truly incredible feat. It takes…

Injury Prevention Strategies in Sport
One of the top reasons players do not reach their true potential is…INJURIES. One of…

Are You Coachable?
How do you go about helping yourself, your players, and athletes become more coachable? We…

Back From A Broken Heart (Episode 2)
What you learn here could save your life. This week we are digging for answers…

Krush Performance Will Return With New Episodes Soon
Due to some unforeseen events that Jeff will explain when he returns, the Krush Performance…

Specialized For Better Or Worse?!
In this episode we look at specialization in sport, all the pros and the cons,…

The Fountain Of Youth – Deep Sleep & How You Can Get More Of It!
Why are we having so many issues getting a great sleep. What you can do…

The Fast & The Furious – NHL Playoffs & Becoming A Player
They skate at 25 miles per hour, shoot a puck over 100 miles per hour,…

The Executive Suite: Chemistry, Culture & Leadership – Organizational & Team Performance Episode #6
We use words like chemistry and culture but who is really steering the ship? Who…

Back In The Win Column: Organizational & Team Performance Episode #5
Strategies Cirque du Soleil uses to reduce injury, burnout and stress within their grueling performance…

Baseball Is Back! Are You Ready?
From the shortened spring training to possible rule changes there is a lot to unpack…

Spring Into Top Performance – Sleep Science For Top Performance
Find out how our athlete’s recovery better, perform better, reduce risk of injury and be…

Organizational & Team Performance #4
Strategies that not only saved the band Metallica but launched them to new heights of…

Organizational & Team Performance #3
Have you ever wondered why some organizations and teams continue to succeed while others falter?…

Organizational & Team Performance #2
What's at the root of every successful high-performance team or organization? The answer...incredibly successful high-performing…

Athlete & Player Management
No collective bargaining agreement has been reached in Major League Baseball. How does this impact…

Olympic Wrap Up & “Why The Athlete First?”
We love the Olympics but are they worth it? We look at the cost of…

A Pound Of Cure & Olympic Doping Scandal
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This Benjamin Franklin quote is…

Olympic Dominance – A Real-Life David vs Goliath & Connecting Kids Through Sport
How does one small northern nation absolutely dominate The Winter Olympics? Norway with a population…

Organizational & Team Performance #1
Over the ages, the concept of “Tribe” and “Community” has been etched into our DNA.…

The Krush Brain Game 2021 Wrap Up
The human brain is a universe of its very own and we are just beginning…

Talent & Talent Identification – The Big Summary
Do we really understand what talent is? Are we approaching talent development in the best…

Attacking The New Year Krush Style
Let’s dedicate 2022 to getting better at whatever it is you love to do. There…

Talent & The Krush Brain Game; Dr. Alex Roberts – Season Wrap Up #5
Coaching bias and how, as coaches, we tend to select athletes not based on talent,…

Talent & The Krush Brain Game: Stewart Armstrong – Season Wrap Up #4
Is it possible that our kids are spending less time outside than prison inmates? The…

Talent & The Krush Brain Game #3 – Dr. Kevin Mitchell – Season Wrap Up
When it comes to who you are, how you act and how you respond to…

Talent & The Krush Brain Game; Dr. Richard Harvey – Season Wrap Up #2
In the world of athlete development and player performance, it is critical that we have…

Season Wrap Up – Talent & The Krush Brain Game #1 – Dr. Rob Gray
I take an incredible look into how we learn, coach, and manipulate our environments to…

The Off-Season – The Most Important Time Of The Season
Decreasing injury. Maximizing performance. Increasing your opportunities. This is what the off season is all…

The Amazing Power of Zero Hour Fitness & The Krush Mailbag
How did 19,000 students in Illinois become some of the fittest and smartest students in…

The Science of Sweetness Episode 5: Hijacking Your Brain – Food Control & Brain Energetics
Is the food you are eating hijacking your brain function, brain performance, and perhaps even…

The Krush NHL / NBA 2021 Season Preview
In the ebb and flow of sport, teams rise, teams fall, and then there…

Pain In The…. BACK!
Injuries, back pain, and pain management. Injuries are one of the top reasons that…

Krush NFL Preview & A Concussion/Brian Injury Update
We kick off the NFL season Krush style. We have an IMPORTANT discussion on…

The Science Of Sweetness Pt. 4: Food Coding – Internal Food GPS
“Obesity is Preventable!” “Diabetes can be treated and its consequences avoided or delayed with…

Technology, Doping & Fall Sport Returns
Equipment technology is pushing human performance to new heights. Is it unfair? Unnatural? How…

Collegiate Athletes Making Money While The Sun Is Shining
Collegiate Athletes can now earn money. The sports landscape has changed dramatically for collegiate…

The Return To Sport – Reduce Injury, Increase Performance
Everyone is excited about the return to sport. The ebb and flow of a regular…

The Science Of Sweetness – Pt. 3 – Fix The Food
The food industry has evolved faster than our bodies! It is time to get…

Olympic Sport & Heat – A Deadly Combo!
Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. How to stay safe in the heat. From…

Krush Mid-Summer Classic 2021
The first MLB Draft Combine. What does it mean to young players. In this…

The Science Of Sweetness Pt. 2 – Fuel Trafficking
Artificial Sweeteners are wreaking havoc on our bodies and our brains. Let's get the…

Coaching Bias & Talent Identification
Why do some coaches have more success than others? Is it possible they see…

Talent Identification & The Pro Draft
Why is it so difficult to identify future performance? Despite all of the resources,…

Skill vs. Talent – There’s A Big Difference
What exactly is Talent? Why is it so difficult to predict future success? What…

The Hockey Offseason – Like No Other!
Let’s get set for the return of sport! We are heading into what looks…

Science Of Sweetness – Pt. 1
Everything we eat and drink influences our bodies in some way. No matter if…

The Krush Brain Game – Perception & Reality
There are over 100 billion neurons in the human brain all working away to…

Sleep & The Brain – Recovery, Regeneration & Storing Your Memories and Information
Sleep is one of the most powerful influencers on your brain function and health. You…

The Krush Brain Game – The Incredible Power of Your Subconscious
The Mental Edge of performance. How you think, perceive, and learn may have more…

Treated Like the Pros – Locker Room Sport Medicine
Injury in sport happens. How do you get back better and faster than ever?…

Draft Day & Talent Identification
“A day where Lives are changed, Fates are decided, Dynasties are born, and the…

Spring Sport, Incredible Feats, & Krushing Injury
Broken, Broken, Broken... Injury rates are on the rise; we look at why and…

The Pathway Or The Player
Are we preparing the player for the pathway OR are we preparing the pathway…

Player Development Start To Finish
Get Better Every Day I talk with Angus Mugford, Vice President of High Performance for…

Player Performance Pathways – Adapting To The New Landscape
Pathways come & pathways go but never have we seen such a dramatic change in…

Sports Injuries – Reduce Your Risk
Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when a professional athlete gets injured?…

The Quest For Organizational Performance – Are You At Your Best?
What comes first in Organizational Performance? We connect the dots on what may be…

Your Greatest Potential – The Brain Game
Your brain is kind of like a computer. The one area that holds the greatest…

You Are Getting Sleepy….. Very, Very Sleepy
Sleep impacts impacts everything we do. Are you getting enough sleep? How much sleep…

Understanding Talent With Dr. Joe Baker
Our understanding of talent is still in its infancy. Heck, we can’t even agree…

Feed The Champion – Attacking 2021
Happy New Year Everyone! Let’s get set to attack 2021 with a vengeance. This…

Performance Mindset, The Krush Top Gifts For the Athlete, & 2021 NBA Preview
Are you in control of your thoughts or do your thoughts control you? In…

Krushing It During COVID
Powerful strategies for improving your outlook, performance and your potential during the COVID downtime. We…

The Future Of Health & Performance w/Dr. Ann de Wees Allen
The Krush War On Sugar rages on! When food goes in, what really happens? We…

The Interesting, The Historic, & The Confusing
Could there be a massive downside to big data, analytics, and statistics? The numbers are…

Krush Brain Game – Getting Control
Dealing with anxiety, building resilience to adversity, learn how to self-regulate and pivot your…

The Case Against Sugar
Now, more than ever, we need to address the growing rates of obesity and overweight…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 6)
The brain may very well hold the greatest potential for moving human performance forward. It…

Priorities And Calories
The two most precious commodities known to mankind are, in my opinion, health and time.…

The Huge Downside of Artificial Sweeteners
We look to crack the mysteries surrounding our understanding of food and how it works…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 5)
Yogi Berra once said, “Baseball is 90% mental, and the other half is physical.” I…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 4)
Brain Training technology and how it can affect our performance. Welcome to the Krush Brain…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 3)
What is Mindfulness? How can we utilize Mindfulness in our everyday lives and in the world…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 2)
Is the brain a top priority for human performance? Is it something that should be…

The Krush Brain Game (Pt. 1)
“The Brain Game.” We are digging down deep trying to get a better idea of…

COVID, NFL Preview, & The Brain Game
On this week’s episode of Krush Performance, we address some of your comments on the…

Class C – The Kids of COVID (Pt 2 of 2)
It’s episode 2 of our special series titled, “Class C: The Kids of COVID.” The…

Class C – The Kids of COVID (Pt 1 of 2)
Today on Krush Performance, we bring you episode one of a two part series: CLASS…

Brainwashed – A Powerful Perspective on Brain Injury and CTE
The Krush word of the day is Perspective. Are you concerned about playing or having your…

Breaking Down Obesity – It’s Not Your Fault!
This week on Krush Performance, The War on Sugar continues with a special episode looking…

Krush Talks Sport & A Preview of the Brain Game
Sometimes we just like to talk sports. Following professional athletes and breaking down pro sport can…

The Return Of Pro Sport & The Krush MLB 2020 “What To Watch” List
With the return of professional sport, this week we break down the stories to watch…

Elite Skill Development – Learning from The Pro’s
There are important strategies and aspects of talent and skill development that need to be…

The Return Of Sport & Those Who Don’t Get To Play
On this week’s episode of Krush Performance, we take a look at the return of…

Could There Be A New Addition To The Top Krush Performance Priorities?
This week, we look at the return of professional sport. There are going to be…

From the Top – Construction of a Performance Culture
It is one thing to be talented or to have talent, but it is a…

Nutrition Strategies
There is no escaping poor nutrition. It affects everything you do and the implications in…

Sleep Performance With Dr. Charles Samuels
Perform at your best, reduce risk of injury and just feel better…..Get Your Sleep! This…

Legacy – Creating High Performance Cultures
What does the most successful sporting culture in history look like? How did it all…

Talent Is Overrated
What does it take to be great? What really separates world class performers from everyone…

Remembering Roy Halladay & David Cooper, former Navy Seal
This week, I remember a great friend and teammate lost this week. Two time Cy…

The Power Of Environment
How much power does your environment have on the development of skill, talent and over…