War on Sugar
It's sweet. It's fun. It's everywhere. And, it's KILLING US!

The Brain Game
A 100 billion neurons in our brain.
Forming our memories, development and making performance possible.

Performance Priorities
Learn, Adapt & Compete at the highest level.
Have We Reached The Peak of Human Performance In Sport?
Despite the incredible advancements in the world of sport,
have we maxed out human potential?
I’m certain there is still so much more untapped potential waiting to be discovered.
I have dedicated my career to this topic.
Working in the field at every level of sport where I have meticulously deconstructed
and analyzed it, only to piece it back together again.
I have consistently found two key elements play a significant role:
1- Long-Term Development
2. Understanding how to prepare our athletes
to be effectively coached.
Eating for Performance
Do you want to Optimize Sport Performance?
Reduce your risk of injury? Support recovery?
What & When You Eat Can Make a Difference

By Focusing on Improving Athlete Adaptability,
Robustness, and Durability,
we can help athletes reach new heights as well as reducing the risk of injury.
I’ve seen firsthand the process of development unfold, allowing the unsuspected rise to the top against the odds and the naturally gifted go on
to dominate and recalibrate top-end performance.
It’s been said that anyone willing to put in enough time can become
Good, even Great at any given endeavour.