Creating Performance Environments: How Athletes are the Sum of Their Experiences E18-4

You are a product of your Environment.

Your athletes & players are products of their environments.
So, what do we need to do to create a performance environment?

Provide Meaningful Experiences! In essence you are the sum of your experiences.

You are also the sum of how you interpret, learn from and respond to each experience you have small or large.

This week I share a great experience I had with three Krush listeners – it was a great 30-minute conversation in the lobby of a restaurant.

It was this conversation that set the tone for this weeks show and our trip back to one of the great Krush Conversations with David Epstein, author of the “Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance”. It’s a great look back as we move forward into the world of Perception and creating performance environments for our athletes, teams and organizations.

Creating performance environments rich with experiences designed to enhance learning and adaptation at any level of sport is a integral part of raising your players potential when you are Creating Coachable Players.

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Krush Performance - Featuring Jeff Krushell

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Till Next Week,