
Game-Changing Resources

Preparing Players for the Game


Access invaluable resources and training to build more adaptable and durable athletes – ultimately create more coachable players.

Learn proven Athlete & Player Development strategies to increase player performance, unlock potential, and decrease injuries—so your players can excel and stay game-ready.

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Injuries Can Be Frustrating

Get the Six-Step Recovery Approach


The Parent's Playbook

A Guide to Sport Development


Performance Nutrition

Nutrition Tips, Meal Plan, Pre & Post Snacks


Krusher is "world class" in every area of performance, strength & conditioning as well as overall athletic development.  Jeff has shaped, guided and led our athletic development program both on and off the field for 16 years. His expertise has directly impacted 100's of our student-athletes careers. Not only has Jeff made this impact within our program but has made this impact throughout the world with Major League Baseball. Thanks for all you do for this great game Krusher.  "Once a Jet....Always a Jet!"
– Les McTavish, Head Coach & Director of Baseball Operations - Vauxhall Academy of Baseball
Jeff Krushell is a leader and innovator in sports training and psychology. I've had the privilege of working with him for many years and have seen the tremendous positive impact that his insights, sound scientific approach, and understanding of sport development have had on athletes. His experience and perspective elevate the mind, body, and soul of an athlete.
– Dr. Martin Mrazik, Professor and Clinical Neuropsychologist - University of Alberta
My experience with Jeff covers many years of clinics, workshops and academies in International baseball. Jeff is passionate, professional and knowledgeable- with the skills and ability to transfer his knowledge to a wide variety of people of all ages. This transformational style enhances successful outcomes for his clients .
He is a joy to work with!!
– Pat Doyle, Former Coordinator of MLB’s International coaching programs - Europe & Africa. Elected to the ABCA HOF in 2019
Jeff #11

The High Performance World is a Great Place to Be

     There’s an ebb and flow to coaching,

             an ebb and flow to athlete development


The cool thing about performance, it’s made up of basic elements –
like the periodic table -all you need to do is combine the right ones in the right way for you and your situation and BOOM there you go.

Learn with Jeff

Greatness is becoming very rare these days as we compromise and settle for just Good. Yet, Greatness is actually more accessible today than it has ever been before. All you have to do is go out and get it.